Thursday, November 14, 2019
Gun violence Santa Clarita California
Gun violence in America prevails while ‘High Drama’ in White House keeps pace with Trumpian lies./Jingling with coins of ‘hoaxes, witch hunts, fake news’ minted in the factory of fake news author Trump, mostly using his sharp tongue than sharpie to change the course of hurricanes./ Trump ‘too busy to watch hoax, witch hunt’ of his real-life impeachment, but not ‘too busy’ to unleash tweet storm or highlight slaughter of Kurds by inviting Erdogan to White House./ Leningrad Lindsey is always close by Trump’s side to wash away Syrian tragedy encrusted with the blood of thousands of Kurds and to defend his darling Trump./Blind to endemic disease of gun violence in America and doing nothing in terms of passing gun laws, Tom Reed for one is focused only on impeachment. / ‘I am looking for smoking gun of evidence of an impeachable, high crime, treasonous type of charge that would warrant impeachment and removal of a duly elected president’./Says sightless Tom Reed just like other blind, immature, unpatriotic Republicans who fail to notice Trump’s crimes./ Making mockery of American Justice, Democracy, Constitution./ As to ‘duly elected president’ he can’t acknowledge that Trump was fraudulently elected by Russian interference in 2016 US Elections./ Republicans pretend not to know but know fully well that they maligned Hillary and that Russia interfered in US Elections, and yet they are on a mission to disprove all facts by carping about Wikileaks emails ‘Trump loves Wikileaks’ and by instigating Barr to investigate the investigators./Barr has already succeeded in discrediting Mueller’s report, which he did so by presenting his distorted version of a ludicrous Summary he thought was so brilliant in exonerating Trump of Collusion./ Witless Nunes too, night errand boy of Trump, not concerned about gun laws, stuck deep in his ‘low-rent, Ukrainian sequel to Russia’ explodes in reference to impeachment./ Also blind to the fact that Russia in fact did interfere in 2016 US Elections which Barr is trying to disprove , minting lies since forced to investigate the investigators./ Another drama queen in this ‘High Drama’ besides Con-Way is Elise Stepfanik naming president’s call with Zelensky ‘parody’./ She herself is the emblem of parody in protecting the parasitic president who has robbed Americans of their health, wealth, peace, prestige./ Not last but least, another drama queen is Nikki Haley, saying Trump ‘truthful’/ It’s like smearing the very essence of ‘truth’ with the mud of lies so putrid that its reek is not only nauseating, but life-threatening to entire nation if not to the whole world./ Too numerous to name as blind renegades, star-crossed Jim Jordan stands on top of all Republican hypocrites./ He can’t even see under his nose the caterpillar of lies./ Emboldened by Barr’s distorted Summary of Mueller’s report, he deems all crimes of Trump as ‘hoaxes, witch hunts, fake news.’/ Fox & Friends too are corrupting America with the reek of their lies and distortions./ ‘Impeachment probe, all of this is garbage’ says Newt Gingrich on Fox News, spilling ‘garbage’ of lies, calling the fair proceedings of impeachment ‘garbage’, which is as real as betrayal, mendacity, chicanery of Trumpian Administration./Can Republicans also dub Justice in America as ‘High Drama’ Trumpian ‘good guys’, Flynn, Manafort, Cohen, Roger stone, Giuliani, just to name a handful, some in jail and the rest still to be tried for high crimes?/ It seems like Republicans think Obama is still the president and Biden the vice president, since they keep bringing their names up in their lame excuses to defend their liar king./ To end this gun-violence politico with a short note, ‘Zelensky got paid after Trump got busted for withholding aid’./
A little poesy too:/
‘This dewdrop world/A dewdrop world it is and still/Although it is’ Issa/
Let’s talk Latin:/
America is abuzz with quid pro quo/
Trumpians trying to defend Trump with armor of lies/
Raging conspiracy theories from all four poles blow/
To cover up truth of Trump’s betrayals in Lucifer guise/
Letting America suffer the indignity of chaos as it grows/
Making friends with Putin, turning all friends to foes /
Monday, November 4, 2019
Rogue Republicans much like Don Bongino on Fox are sightless and conscienceless, accusing Democrats as liars./’Adam Schiff’ says droopy Don ‘has become a joke and a laughing stock, documented liar.’ Of course, he must be thinking about egomaniacal Liar Trump while accusing Schiff./ ‘No whistle to blow, there is no deal’ continues deceitful Don, not aware of Trump tantrum tweet ‘Nothing wrong if there was a Quid Pro Quo’ /Here we go again, Trump insulter on his tweeting binge ‘House Republicans must have nothing to do with shifty rendition of those interviews./Adam Schiff is a liar, leaker and freak who should be impeached’?/Talking of ‘freak’ expletive-mouth ‘pathetic’ president of Divided States calling Beto ‘poor, pathetic, Ba***rd, quitting race like a dog’/America stands in utter disgrace when its foul-mouthed leader corrupts the American air with stinking insults worthy of street hoodlums./ ‘Pathetic’ populist president speaks the language of his Base to win their applause and support, barking ‘like a dog’ insults is like adopting the characteristics of an animal./ Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the President of Divided States, barking ‘poor, pathetic, ba***rd, like a dog’ epithets at Beto who is not even in the race anymore./Republican rascals have become such whimpering fools by the very virtue of their hypocrisy and cowardice that they are dragging their country into the marshland of chaos, violence, lawlessness./Lindsey Graham is leader of those cowards who says he wouldn’t find evidence of Quid Pro Quo ‘disturbing’/ True, since his duty is to serve disastrous Trump, not America, such servitude is not only conscienceless, but shameless./ AG Barr is one of those shameless ones too, doing his dirty duty of defending Trump’s lies, yet he has no time to dig truth or save his Country from utter ignominy./ Another shameless one is braying, betraying Bannon pushing ‘weaponized tweets’, still barking conspiracy theories to defend expletive-laced Trump tainted all over with his own tincture of ‘perfecto’ lies./ Many more Republican rogues following tyrant Trump down the dark, narrow path paved with ‘perfecto’ lies./ They stay blind to truth and sightless to the mutilation of American values, and to the blatant ripping of US Constitution by Trump./ All president’s ‘good guys’ who were bullied into telling lies for him ended up in jail and craven Republicans who are still defending the Liar King should look forward to the same fate./ To top it all Paula White Evangelist, much like Trump, married three times and living in a mansion to advise Trump’s faith?/ Trump’s only faith is in his ‘fantastic’ belief in insults and obscenities./ And her faith is in her God of wealth and health who doesn’t care for poor and elderly, ailing, and dying miserably without medical help./Her God is angry, uncaring God if ‘you don’t support her Ministry/ Talk of bigotry and the mockery of the very sanctity of Christian love, charity and compassion?/
‘Morning haze/As in a painting of a dream/Men go their ways’ Busson/
To be continued… /
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Nincompoop Nunes accusing Democrats as a cult and quoting child son of child Trump ‘Republicans, if it’s a cult, it’s like because what good my father is doing’/ Of course, white supremacists making America hateful, unjust and violent./ All renegade Republicans claiming ‘Trump is doing a good job’, not ever pointing out what good?/ With the exception of economy and jobs which were good and steady during Obama Administration, so Trump inherited good legacy./ Even Robert Little croaks ‘Democrats will not let Republicans do their job./ Trump has done a lot of good things for United States, but Democrats only agenda is to get rid of Trump’/ For sure, Democrats keep piling up bills for benefit of Americans and handing those over to Republicans for approval, but they end up in Republican Senate morgue where Democrats have no access to resurrect those to life Again and Again./ There is no United States, but Divided States created by Republicans ‘do nothing’, their only agenda is to defend Trump’s lies, crimes and insults and to let their country sink deeper into deficit without ever mentioning the damage derelict Trump is doing to America and American values./ Now Paula White with liaison of pious fools as Evangelists is hired by White House/ Allowing Trump puppet of Putin to make mockery of Christianity./ Making Christian Loving God a hateful tyrant, begging support for her ministry, ‘otherwise God would kill their dreams’ says the Evangelical Queen. /Trump is making sport of even all-time favorite sports of all Americans, denigrating Players and America./ Shameful rally at Mississippi,(Why does Trump need rallies when all his unpaid bills at rallies are piling high much like the mountainous deficit he was supposed to reduce) where Trump seems to be hallucinating ‘light, where, how?’ insulting CNN and seducing his supporters into believing more lies. /There is no bill to protect Medicare, Trump of course knows that after killing Obamacare, and there is no plan for supporting pre-existing medical conditions. /When will America get out of this deluge of lies and when will Republican goondas stop defending King Liar, and when will Trump’s base awaken to realization that they are being betrayed over and over again by his trade wars, health scare, betrayal of his country? /They might realize soon since Trump Tsunami is on a mission to destroy America and Americans and they will be trampled under his ego-maniacal need for greed and self-preservation./ If Americans have not heard the groans of the immigrants and the caged kids torn apart from their families, then they might brace themselves against the bootless cries of the American farmers hurting tragically, and old and ailing dying in America miserably without medical care./
‘They blossom and then/We gaze, and then the blooms/Scatter and then—‘ Onitsura/
To be continued… /
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Purple Heart
White House is throbbing like a purple wound, its heart pierced by countless lies from tantrum Trump and renegade Republicans./ Lily-livered Republicans don’t have the courage to face the truth or to expose Trump’s lies, concerned only about votes./ Not caring how America is wading through the slime of Trumpian insults, betrayals and brutalities, on the brink of collapsing against Russian interference once again./ Putin has already made America chaotic, unjust, hateful, immoral and violent, partitioned into chunks of Divided States./ Republicans are so afraid of totem Trump that they dare not cast a vote for his impeachment, lest they lose their jobs, regardless of the tragic state how their country is suffering the blight of American values./ This farcical show of Trump defense must go on as long as Trumpians have even a sliver of hope that they might win./ They are sadly mistaken in this hope, for the purple wound of lies and betrayals is ripe with abscess, soon to break open to spill the reek of crimes, deceit, deception, all ugly and nauseating./ Not a single Republican has the courage to save America’s prestige by doing their job for which they were elected./ To safeguard Democracy, Constitution and to realize that making America safe should be their number one priority, which Trump has neglected, and by holding him accountable for that they could have voted in favor of impeachment for the benefit America’s safety and security./ Angry Republicans are capable only of showing volcanic anger, exploding with ire over impeachment proceedings./ They need to calm down, confront truth face-to-face, try to efface the history of all their lies and stop defending the autocrat Trump who is making America weep and grieve Again and Again./
'On a journey ill/And our fields all withered dreams/Go wandering still' Basho/
To be continued...
Friday, November 1, 2019
Quid Pro Quo
Why should anyone be talking about Quid Pro Quo since Trump released his own memo, professing his call to Ukrainian president 'perfect' meaning, begging for dirt on Biden, going as far as asking China to do the same./ He did that same thing with Hillary emails too befriending Putin as lifelong Friend, and it turned out to be beautiful, meaning he won 2016 election by Russia's overt and covert interference, surprise!!!/
Gangster-style Republicans with 0 credibility voted 0 for impeachment, Again no surprise!!!/
Is America so weak that it can't fight its own corruption inside America and must seek help of foreign leaders to fight pseudo-corruption, while real corruption in White House continues to swell with the helium of lies on land, in air, into cyberspace./Renegade Republicans grown deaf, dumb and blind to truth, are also afflicted with fear of big bully Trump who would trample over their lives with the power of a bulldozer./ Tragedy of tragedies is greed, hypocrisy, ignorance of Trumpian goondas in White House, making America weak and vulnerable./ All wrong that Trump does is 'perfect', all his 'good guys' in jail and others on the road to incarceration./ Giuliani, Pompeo, even Pence, just to name a few?/ In Trump's little dictionary of words 'perfect' means terribly tragic./ 'Beautiful' means ugliness of lies, his tool of self-preservation./ Honest, truthful, patriotic Americans who love their country, are trying their best not to be ruled by Putin and by all the Republican sycophants poised to destroy the very foundations of American Democracy and Constitution./
'Before the phantom of false morning died/Methought a voice within the tavern cried/When all the temple is prepared within/Why nods the drowsy worshipper outside' Omar Khayyam/
To be continued... /
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Moscow Mitch
Moscow Mitch dares accuse Democrats 'Look, I think it's pretty clear our Democratic colleagues do not have a great affinity for Trump, but country can't afford for Democrats in Congress to take a One-Year Vacation from productive legislation just because they'd rather obsess over impeachment'/Rowdy Republicans since day-one of Trump's disastrous presidency are on a Four-Year Cruise Vacation, making White House a morgue of unpassed bills which Democrats passed and presented to Republicans to be honored./ No gun laws, no healthcare benefits, nothing to check Climate Crisis (hoax) as Trump calls it./ Craven Republican hypocrites much like Mitch would rather defend Trump's lies and mutilate American values and American Heroes with bullets of insults than save America from utter chaos of conflicts, conspiracy theories and Trumpian demolition of US Constitution./ Dysfunctional White House has stayed static since Trump's tyrannical presidency, this King of Lies bullying high Officials, insulting everyone who has the courage to tell truth, and threatening those honest, truthful, patriotic Americans who love their country, trying their best not to be ruled by Putin and all the Republican sycophants poised to destroy the very foundations of American Democracy and Constitution./ Heel-spurs go a long way with Republicans than Purple Heart... to be continued /
'Where there is no love, there is no sense either' Dostoevsky
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Politico Forum 2019
Ugliness of Trump and Republican lies are painting US skies with the soot of anger, zeal, hate and hypocrisy/So every American needs to speak out against this injustice, brutality and violence which is not only corrupting the White House, but Divided States knifed by Trump's insults against FBI CIA, Press, Military and Patriotic Officials who want to save America from falling further into pit of ignominy and degradation/
Unpatriotic Duffy much like Trump and so-called friends are greedy, selfish hypocrites, insulting patriotic, truthful Vindman with vindictiveness akin to murder, butchering the integrity of American War Heroes while destroying American values and prestige/
Barr bigot defending deceitful Durham, his twin dunce, both minting lies to discredit Mueller's probe, which factually proves, Russia interfered in 2016 US elections/
Trump robbing Military to build his Base Wall does not deserve credit for killing Baghdadi, releasing a thousand more Baghdadis by gifting Syria to Putin/Brave Military is worthy of claiming this victory/
Barr bastion of injustice along with Trump's missiles of lies is on a mission to destroy American values of truth, empathy, compassion/
'Lock her up' president getting a dose of his own venom spewed at Hillary at his rallies, the only president going to rallies after being elected, yuge bills still unpaid for services rendered for such rallies, his hooligans still chanting insults/
Telling Johnson 'not doing his job' yet Trump his doing His job of insulting, bullying, threatening/Nothing gets done in dysfunctional White House, Trump's campaign promise 'I alone can fix it'?/
Darling of Fox & Friends, as mendacious as Trump, Barr is carving dark tunnels of lies, waging a war of defense to defend deceitful Trump/
Mulvaney missile of distortion should stop giving conflicting statements dictated by Tragic Trump whose only job is to bully, insult and destroy America/
Renegade Republicans might as well dismantle their Party of Hypocrisy if they can't help defending Tragic Trump tearing America into bleeding chunks of hate, zeal, violence/
Telling Eddie 'to change his values and to change them fast' Trump says who has destroyed American values of love, peace, justice, empathy, compassion, making US Divided States, chaotic, violent, lawless, Gangster House of Republicans/
'We have learned to live with joy and to die with a better hope' Cicero/
To be continued.../
Sunday, July 14, 2019
American Queen Ora Ray Baker
True to its promise once again All Things That Matter Press has brought Ora Ray Baker on the stage of life in print form, ready to soar on screen of life in line of great American movies to be watched and cherished./The American Queen is the true life story of a young girl, Ora Ray Baker, born in Albuquerque, New Mexico. /She fell in love with an Indian mystic by the name of Hazrat Inayat Khan. /He was not only a mystic from India, but a Sufi Master and a great Musician. /He came to US with the intention of uniting the East with the West in God Realization./ Against the wishes of her stepbrother who was Ora Ray Baker’s ward, she decided to elope to Europe to marry Hazrat Inayat Khan who was traveling there to give lectures and concerts./ She met him in Belgium and they were married in London. /They lived in London and France for a while, and then went to Russia where their first daughter was born in Kremlin. /Soon the First World War started, so they had to leave Russia and came to London. /During the war two more children were born, both boys, and one girl after a year later. /After the WW1 they moved to France and settled there in a suburb called Suresnes. /When the children were little, Hazrat Inayat Khan traveled alone all over Europe and even returned to America for a few months to spread his Sufi Message of love, unity and harmony./ Ora Ray Baker lost her Love of Life in India when Hazrat Inayat Khan went there on a tour to give lectures on Sufism, their eldest daughter was barely thirteen year old at the death of her father./ Then began the lone journey for Ora Ray Baker with all the agony of loss and grief./ She lived through the ravages of WW11, her eldest daughter, Spy Princess, was arrested and killed in German Concentration Camps./ Finally four years after WW11 of much grief and sorrow, Ora Ray Baker died in France. /Her love, courage and perseverance still live on in Fazal Manzil in France, her home and shrine of Love, now a Sufi Retreat. /
Ora Ray Baker/
O Beloved, is my love so weak/
That it bringeth me not to Thee/
Then let me weep more and more each day/
Till by weeping, it strengthened be/
But when its strength be still too less/
And the fountain of tears run dry/
Tears of blood, let me weep, yea until/
By weeping for Thee, I may die/ Pirani/
Ora Ray Baker fated to fall in love with an Indian Mystic, not only became the Queen of Hazrat Inayat Khan’s heart, but the Queen of fortitude, devotion and endurance./ If not a saint, suffering tragedies countless, and persevering. /Finally, succumbing to death a few years after WW11 when she discovered that her daughter was killed by the Nazis in the concentration camps.
Disregarding the discrepancies in Ora Ray Baker’s birth year and birth place, she was presumably born May 8, 1892 in Kansas or in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the latter place most favored by the researchers./ She herself wrote that her mother’s maiden name was Wyatt./Later she named her mother Margaret Hiatt, nicknamed Aletta whose father was born in Indiana. /Her mother Aletta came from Maryland—home of many Kemp family members. /Aletta had a twin sister named Alice. /Ora Ray Baker started writing poetry as a young girl and continued that practice on and off whenever inspired to express her joy or grief./
Conflicting reports of researchers show that Kemp family came from Bavaria. /One report reveals that throughout several generations between Johann Conrad Kaempff (Kemp) and Mary May Kemp (Ora Ray’s maternal grandmother) came from Germany or Switzerland. So Ora Ray’s heritage may consist of Swiss or German./
Erastus Warren Baker, Ora Ray’s father’s records show him to have been born in 1850 in Kentucky and his wife in Iowa./On Ora Ray’s marriage certificate in Year 1913 she wrote her father was a lawyer. /Ora Ray had a step brother from her father’s first marriage and when her own mother left her father, she was raised by her stepbrother, Pierre Bernard, a yoga teacher and a great musician./
Against the wishes of her stepbrother she married Hazrat Inayat Khan. /Endowed with poetic spirit and always hungering for crumbs of spirituality she rejected the conventional style of marriage in America which her brother wanted—to be a part of elite and wealthy circle of friends. /Instead she chose the life of mystery and mysticism with her Mystic husband, traveling in Europe and experiencing profound joy of love in marriage along with the profundity of music and Sufi teaching of her mystic husband./ It was the power of this love which made her withstand hosts of tragedies after the untimely death of Hazrat Inayat Khan./
Ora Ray Baker was titled Amina Begum after her marriage./ She was Hazrat Inayat Khan’s Sharda meaning goddess./ He also bestowed upon her the title of Pirani-PiRani meaning queen of Pir—spiritual guide and teacher./
The way of illumination/
Is the path that leads to God/
May ye seek that revelation/
Forever this pathway trod/
And behold the light eternal/
When the end is drawing nigh/
Its rays spread forth upon ye all/
As a crown to glorify/ Pirani
Monday, May 13, 2019
Israel Palestine
Palestine name first referred by ancient Greeks is an area in the Middle East between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea./ It was absorbed by the Ottoman Empire Year 1517 until the World War. /At the end of the war Turks were defeated by the British forces who began ruling the homeland of the Palestinians from 1920 to 1948, the land called Palestine./ Since Palestinians helped the British to defeat the Turks, a League of Nations Mandate was drawn out under McMahan Agreement that British would return their homeland to the rightful owners, Palestinians. /Though British latter denied that they ever made such a promise under any Agreement. /By British the same area of land was also promised to the Jews as the Jews claimed under the Belfour Declaration./ In Year 1920 many Jews migrated to that area and lived in the much populated area of the Arabs, both Jews and Arabs living together in friendly relationships. /In Year 1929 the relations between the Jews and the Arabs soured due to the focal point of discontent concerning Jerusalem which resulted in violence. /Yet, many more Jews kept migrating to Palestine between years 1931 to 1940. /Due to the rise of violence and increasing number of Jews in Palestine outnumbering Palestinians, British put a quota on number of Jews who could enter Palestine in any one year. /During the WW11, many Jews fought for allies against Nazi Germany and gained much military prowess. /When the war ended in Year 1945 they used their skills in acts of terrorism. /In the aftermath of Holocaust, the British gave Jews the hope that they would be given more rights in Palestine. /Of course at the expense of the Arabs in Palestine, the British knew beforehand./ As the terror acts of the Jews increased, destroying even the British Military Headquarters in Palestine the British decided they would eventually leave. /In Year 1947 United Nations accepted that idea-promise of the British to partition Palestine into Israel for Jews and Palestine for Arabs. /May 14, 1948 the British withdrew from the Palestine and the Palestinians began their own counter-terror attacks lasting from May 1948 to January 1949, not recognizing Israel as part of the Palestine. /To Palestinian Arabs the area the Jews call Israel, will always be Palestine. /To Jews it is Israel./ Thus began the conflict when the British policy of Divide and Rule ended in departure from Palestine, and it continues to this day. /Much like the partition of India and Pakistan 1947 as described in the book, Holocaust of the East. /The same Divide and Rule policy, leaving behind a thorn of Kashmir which belongs only to Kashmiris, neither to India, nor to Pakistan./
PS: History has been written and rewritten many times over in several books by different authors./ Facts contradicted by facts, discrepancies passed as factual./ As for the claim ‘Palestinians siding with Nazi Germany during WW11’ many scholars write otherwise and challenge this claim./ Arguing that Fascism was discussed by the Arabs alongside other political ideologies. /And the Arab Palestinians themselves were deprecated by Hitler as racially inferior to Germans. /However, the radical Jewish groups employed terrorism against the British forces in Palestine, accusing them of betraying their Zionist cause. /At the end of WW11 1945 United States took up Zionist Cause.
A quote from Marcus Aurelius:/
‘To look for the impossible is folly and it is impossible that bad men should not do bad deeds./ It is a shame to let ignorance and complacency be stronger than wisdom’
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Mother's Day
Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms in the world. /Mothers carry the gift of life for nine months in their bellies, tender and swollen./At the end of that term after suffering excruciating labor pains they deliver this Gift to the world. /What do we do with that Gift, 99% of us honor it in loving memories of our moms by living honorably. /Hard working men and women who spend their lives loving, caring and giving. /Ethically solid, morally grounded. /Generous and compassionate. /Respecting law of the land they choose to live in and promoting peace and harmony. /What do the 1% do with this Gift, they mutilate it with the knife of hate and ignorance./ Some turn out to be pious fools, some inveterate liars. /Some robbers of life and property and some brutal murderers./ Some bellicose bigots and some bilious misogynists. /Some maniacal racists and some seasoned rascals./ Some clowns insufferable and some chronic sycophants. / Some psychopaths and some hypocrites./ Some rapists and some oppressors of women. They come in different shapes, colors and ethnicity, but these 1% are the ones who rule the world with their odious will of tyranny and slander, shooting bullets of canards, loving distortions and conspiracy theories, not to mention the vile scoundrels and extremists./ This year let’s join our hands to honor and celebrate Mother Earth with vigil and candlelight. /Mother Earth who is choking under the negligence of her children condoning Climate Change. /Her bootless cries are reaching up to the skies seeking help for the sickness of pollution in her body, besides the corruption of bloodbath by the hands of mankind to defile her purity and sanctity./ Her eyes stinging from the fossil fuels in cars, factories and power plants. /Her senses choked by methane released from the landfills. /Her lungs filled by nitrous oxide from fertilizers./ Her heart mourning the loss of trees—her spiritual forest sanctuaries. /These are a few of the so-called necessary manmade evils killing the Mother Earth without acknowledging the need to pamper her with care, devotion and compassion. /Also this year let us turn our attention to the American mothers who have suffered the irretrievable losses of their beloved children through mindless, multiple school shootings. /We can’t cure their wounds but we can ease perhaps a fraction of their sufferings by wishing them peace within their spirits in beautiful memories of their loved ones this Mother’s Day. /Just to mention a few for extending our comforting thoughts to the aggrieved and grieving parents of school shootings, Parkland Fla; Santa Fe, Tex; and Benton, Ky. And the most recent one in Highland Ranch, Colorado./ May we keep the parents of Kendrick Castillo in our thoughts and prayers, their only son who sacrificed his life to save the lives of his classmates. /Especially, sending loving thoughts to the mother of Kendrick Castillo, her only son about to graduate soon is not in this world anymore to wish his mother Happy Mother’s Day. / Love of a mother for her kids is enshrined in the parable of Biblical King Solomon’s wisdom. /When two mothers came to him, each insisting that the child was hers and that each of them were telling the truth? /King Solomon was to judge who was the real mother. /After listening to their stories, he said: since you both claim this child to be yours, we need to cut up the infant and divide it into two and you both can have your baby. /The real mother cried, please don’t kill my child: give the baby to her and let my son live. / Aside from the parables when Emperor Akbar’s mother passed away and he was grieving much for a long period of time, his viziers said: O Emperor, you have suffered many deaths of your family and friends before, but you overcame that grief quickly, so why this profound grief now so persistent and prolonged. /Akbar the Great the third Moghul Emperor of India responded: Difficult for you to understand./ With all my power and riches everyone bows before me with reverence and gratitude, but my mother was the only one who could reprimand me and before whom I could humble myself, and it was the profoundest of joys and peace beyond expression./ With this loving note of love of a mother and the wisdom of King Solomon and humility of Emperor Akbar, may we wish Happy Mother’s Day to all US moms in particular who have lost their kids in school shootings by domestic murderers whose own mothers are grieving the loss of their children they reared as gift of life not as gong of death./ Special thanks to Chris Cuomo of CNN for keeping the memory of Kendrick Castillo alive on his show, especially, considering the short memory of our nation-generation where voices of grief and faces of teen heroes very often are muffled under the noise of lies from this White House, sucking oxygen out of the entire world./Hoping we would see the light of justice one of these days, meanwhile, Happy Mother’s Day./
Allow us, O Mother Earth, to wish you healing this year/Much joy be yours in renewal and recovery from gold in light/May our hearts be benevolent and crystal clear/To reflect our sincerity in doing abundance of good, fair and bright/
Wish my mom was alive so that I could humble myself at her feet./
Heaven lies under the feet of the mother, Prophet Muhammed said
Sunday, March 3, 2019
Namaste Islam
‘And speak not concerning that which your own tongues qualify as clean or unclean, the falsehood: this is lawful and this is forbidden. So that ye may invent a lie against Allah. Lo, those who invent a lie against Allah will not succeed.’ Quran (16: 116)
‘God said: The person I hold as a beloved, I am his hearing by which he hears, and I am his sight by which he sees, and I am his hands by which he holds, and I am his feet by which he walks.’ Prophet Muhammad
‘Neither My earth nor My heavens can contain Me, while the heart of my believing servant does contain Me’ Hadith Qudsi/
The quotes above are a testament to Islamic belief that God dwells in the hearts of each one of us, regardless of race, creed, faith or gender proclivities. /Yet some Muslims have made mockery of Islam by claiming that certain peace-loving greetings are forbidden to Muslims even to express./To single one out in particular is Namaste, but before delving into the essence of English speaking world greetings, it’s beneficial to look at their meaning./
Divine in me bows to the divine in you./
Peace, harmony, wholeness./
Sat Sri Akal:/
I respect the God within you./
Asalaam Alaykum:/
Peace be unto you./
It is obvious that all these greetings offer love, peace, respect to the divine breath which sustains us and nourishes us to the divine presence within if we can understand true meaning our own belief system. /‘By saying Namaste is forbidden to Muslims’ some Muslims say ‘since they bow only to God and are not allowed to bow before anyone.’/ That means denying the presence of divine breath within oneself./ Which is not just inhaling oxygen or exhaling carbon dioxide, but something subtle and profound, inherent divinity which few fortunate ones perceive in their gross bodies. /Becoming conscious of purity of Oneness in each and every soul./
Respect is one of Islamic tenant of Adab, etiquette./Prophet Muhammad’s followers bowed before the Prophet, and he was a man, not God. /Prophet Muhammad himself bowed before Shamyma after the conquest of Mecca when she said: remember, Prophet, I am your foster-sister, the daughter of Halima, your childhood nurse./To honor the daughter of his childhood nurse who had suckled him as a baby, he even took his cloak off and spread it at her feet for her to be seated as a mark of respect and gratitude to her deceased mother./
Back to the mockery of Islam, so many lies have been told since centuries by so many, so often, so repeatedly that they sound like truth and if someone tries to tell truth in this era of lies and ignorance, it would still sound like a lie./ Why it is that Muslims are stuck in the marshland of zeal, violence, oppression? /Rather, presenting Islam as a religion of hate, injustice, intolerance, than of love, peace and harmony?/
The answer is, it’s sheer ignorance. /Killing is forbidden in Islam and now Muslims are killing Muslims all over the world, especially in Syria. /Saudi Arabian ‘Muslims’ killing Muslims in Yemen, starving them to death./ Suicide is forbidden in Islam, yet suicide bombers are killing Muslims and no-Muslims in the name of Islam./Why is that if one may ask again?/ Because the so-called Muslims immersed deep in the mud of bigotry and schooled by impious clerics are doubling down on lies and hatred./Prophet Muhammad granted equal rights to women, yet Muslim women in Saudi Arabia are brutally oppressed, covered from head to toe, more like wearing death shrouds while living, and controlled by men in every walk of their life./Muslim girls choosing to be the brides of terrorists, and most recently young girls from Saudi Arabia fleeing form the homes of their zealous parents./Where are the human rights activists, not in the Muslim world, that’s for sure?/Crown Prince after murdering Khashoggi whose body was dismembered, is still the darling of Trump Family and Royal Family, no rebuke or punishment coming his way./ Is that just or Islamic?/
The Prophet forbade robbery and mutilation of the bodies. Al Bukhari [3:654-O.B]— Do not become infidels after me by killing each other. Prophet Muhammad/ Al-Bukhari [1:22-OB]— There are three things of which God disapproves, cunning plans, waste of goods and excessive requests. /And three are the enemies of my religion. /The fundamentalists, the fundamentalists, the fundamentalists. Prophet Muhammad Al Bukhari XX1V:53(2)—
What weakens the foundations of Islam: the errors of the learned destroy it, the disputations of the hypocrites, and the orders of the kings who have lost the road. Hadith Qudsi/
Aside from Islamic state of hate, bigotry, intolerance./Below is Prophet Muhammad’s Sermon on the Mount of Mercy./If Muslims were to read and heed just those words, they might get a sense of what Islam is all about./
Prophet Muhammad's Last Sermon on Mount of Mercy /
“My beloved friends, listen to my words, because I don’t know if I will ever be with you here again after this year. /Therefore listen to what I am saying, carefully, and take these words to those who could not be here today. /My friends and family, your lives, property and honor are sacred for you until you appear before your Lord, just as you consider this month, this day and this city sacred./ Return the things that are entrusted to you to their rightful owners. /You will meet your Lord, and He will hold you answerable for your actions. /You have rights over your wives, and your wives have rights over you. /Treat your wives with love and kindness. /Verily, you have taken them on the security of God, and their persons are made lawful unto you by the words of God. /Free your slaves, following my example, and tell others to do the same. /But if they wish to stay with you, see that you feed them with such food as you eat yourselves, and clothe them with the stuff you wear. /And if they commit a fault which you are not inclined to forgive, then part from them, for they are the servants of God as you and me, and are not to be treated harshly. /Know that we are all equal in the sight of Allah, and journey together in this world as a family of brotherhood and sisterhood. /All of us belong to the line of Adam, and Adam was created from dust. /This is a gift of knowledge for all who cultivate wisdom and humility./ An Arab is no better than a non-Arab, nor is a white better than a black, or a black better than a white, except in piety./ Nothing is allowed to a Muslim if it belongs to another, unless it is given freely and willingly, so do not oppress each other./ I am leaving behind me two things, the Book of God and my example, if you follow these two, you will never go astray. /Spend freely of what is given to you, whether in prosperity or in adversity. /Restrain you anger and pardon all, for Allah loves those who do good, as it has been revealed./ This Hajj is acceptable to Allah, only if we have love in our hearts for each and every one of God’s creatures. /Kill not your children, for fear of want./ We shall provide sustenance for them. /As well as for you./ Verily, the killing of them is a great sin. Quran 17: 31. /This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed My favor unto you, and have chosen for you as religion Al-Islam./ Whoso is forced by hunger, not by will, to sin; for him, lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. Quran 5: 3. /Know you that what month is this?/ What territory this is? /What day?/ The sacred month! The sacred territory! /The great day of pilgrimage— Several voices spluttered forth, filling the Mount of Mercy with the music of joy. /Even thus sacred and inviolable God made His life and the property of each of you unto the other, until you meet your Lord. /Prophet Muhammad’s voice rippled above all, his arms held out./ O Lord! I have delivered my message and accomplished my work!/ Yes, you have, Prophet. Yes, you have— The pilgrims cheered. /O God, I beseech Thee, bear Thou witness unto it. Prophet Muhammad prayed./ This is the day of true brotherhood and sisterhood, of devotion and repentance. /This is the day when Allah is revealed to His servants, extending His Hands with generosity and immense blessing! /We are promised that during these hours by Arafat, Allah will send down His mercy and forgiveness to those, who are deserving and they will feel His presence!/ The heart of the believer is between two fingers of the Infinitely Merciful.”/
Words divine and literal:/
Allah--The God of all nations and of all peoples/
Islam--The religion of peace and reconciliation/
Jihad--To conquer the forces of evil within one's own self/
Muslim--The one who surrenders to the will of God/
Surrender--Striving after righteousness as an act of total submission to the power of goodness in one's own mind and heart./
'If you love God, love God's creatures first.' Prophet Muhammad/
The Prophet said that on the day of resurrection, God will manifest Himself to the creatures in the forms that they themselves refuted, announcing ‘I am your Lord’. /In the face of this unfamiliar apparition, they will seek refuge in their own representation of God. /Then God will appear in that representation, and then they will believe that indeed it is Him. Hadith/Salman Pak Farsi/
God sent to the world since its creation 200,000 prophets, twenty-five of them are referred in the Quran. /The greatest of those are Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. /Prophets are to be regarded as free from sin, the most sinless of all being Jesus. /Muhammad speaks of him as the Word of God, the Spirit of God, born of the Virgin Mary, and Worker of Miracles. Hadith/Bodley/
Islamic Prophecy/Profound Contemplations /Al Bukhari/Mishkatul Masabih Kitabul Ilm
Prophecy of the Prophet ‘The time will come in which nothing will remain of Islam but its name, and of the Quran but its mere appearance, and the mosques of the Muslims would be destitute of knowledge.’ Prophet Muhammad ¬_‘The learned men will be the worst people under the heavens and strife and contention would issue from them and it will return upon themselves.’ Prophet Muhammad _‘O followers of Islam, I swear by Lord, if ye did but know what I know of the future state, verily you would laugh little and cry much.’ Prophet Muhammad __‘Announce O Muhammad, unto My slaves that verily I am Forgiving, the Merciful.’ 15:49 Quran ¬_And lo, there is a party of them who distort the Scripture with their tongues, that ye may think that what they say is from the Scripture, when it is not from the Scripture. And they say: it is from Allah, when it is not from Allah, and they speak a lie concerning Allah knowingly. 3:78 Quran/
Shalom, Asalaam Alaykum, Namaste, Sat Sri Akal/Are just greetings of peace to god within every human being/Wisdom is unity, not inside the trap of ignorance to fall/Prophet said God dwells in human heart, don’t hurt anyone’s heart by hurting their feeling/
‘O Lord, guide my people, for they do not know.’ Prophet Muhammad/
'God said: I was a hidden treasure and I wished to be known, so I created mankind./Then made myself known to them, and they recognized me./ Hadith Qudsi/
In relevance to this quote from Hadith God exists in the heart of mankind, in the heart of each and every one of us./
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Happy Valentine American Queen
Hazrat Inayat Khan’s love for his beloved wife Ora Ray Baker is still alive in poems they both shared while he traveled extensively giving music concerts and Sufi lectures./These poems are quoted from books by Omega Publications and from writings of Hazrat Inayat Khan by the courtesy of his grandson Pir Zia Khan./ Ora Ray Baker became the queen of Hazrat Inayat Khan’s heart even before they got married./After their marriage, Ora Ray Baker was titled as Amina Begum, then given highest honor in Sufi terminology, Pirani, meaning the queen of Pir, in this case queen of Hazrat Inayat Khan, the spiritual guide and teacher./In his correspondence wherever he went he addressed her as Sharda, meaning goddess, and she addressed him as Daya, meaning perfect love in all essence./Below are a few of the poems by Hazrat Inayat Khan followed by Ora Ray Baker’s to catch the spirit of their true love./
Hazrat Inayat Khan:/1—p/ The reward of my good deeds/My soul and my life/The forgiveness of my sins/My Sharda, my wife./2—p /A heart full of love/A soul full of life/I dedicate to my Sharda/My soul and my wife./3—p / Be not anxious my Sharda/On His service I must go/Though parting is hard to bear/But it’s God who meant it so/I will carry you in my heart/Wherever in the world I roam/His protection is over us/Rest in peace, soon I shall come./4—P/To my Sharda/As pure as the water/Of a gentle stream/As near and as dear/As milk and cream/As sweet as the honeycomb/As sacred as the church of Rome/As pretty as the flower/Of Lover’s dream./5—P /In all my busy hours in life/Everything I do/You are my only consolation/And I think of you/My work keeps me away from home/But I leave my heart/At home, to be ever with you/Our souls can never part/Happiness be with our little ones/Right guidance from above/I wish good luck in this house/And my deepest love/Prosperity and success/Long life and good health/May be yours always, Sharda/My treasure, my wealth/With a world of love./ 6—p /A most loving mother/And a wife so true/Most dearly Beloved/My Sharda are you/It’s only your pleasure I try to do/If I have a treasure/My Sharda it’s you/All my success in life/To who is the credit due/Who is my inspirer/My Sharda, it’s you/Many friends I have known/But faithful are few/And my only best friend/My Sharda are you/And when life is blue/Who is always near me/My Sharda, it’s you/Health, wealth and happiness/To my Sharda give/God always protect her/And may she long live./ 7—p /On your Birthday/You will cherish my love/And long you will live/My many shortcomings, you will always forgive/Have we not much suffered/And did we not play/Let us then continue/Being happy and gay/Stand with strength and courage/With me in my strife/Be forever my Sharda/My pretty little wife/Our little children/Always we shall love/Raising our hands we will ask/Blessings from above./
Ora Ray Baker, Amina Begum, Pirani./These poems down below are quoted from the book, Rosary of a Hundred Beads by Sharda to Daya, published by Petama Project./1—p /I pray all errors in this book/You will forgive and overlook/For I most humbly do confess/I was not born a poetess/But since this heart was crucified/My hand doth my Beloved guide/That on his children is bedewed/Teardrops of thoughts in solitude/2—p /O Beloved, is my love so weak/That it bringeth me not to thee/Then let me weep more and more each day/Till by weeping it strengthened be/3—p /What care I for these things/These gardens and palaces for kings/’Tis true it was a rare and pleasant dream/For thou to share with me a life supreme./4—p /The honor of my virtues/My heart and my soul/The tolerance of my faults/My Daya, my God/5—p /Day by day and night by night/Everything I see/I feel thy presence in it/And I think of thee/In everything I may do/Thy love guideth me/When thy gentle voice I hear/I am in ecstasy/While the holy deity/Watcheth over all/Eagerly I wait to hear/Thy whispering call/6—p /The highest inspiration/Beloved so true/The only consolation/My Daya, are you/If ever there is a pleasure/Searched the world through/If ever there is a treasure/My Daya, ‘tis you/And now that life be over/No care I to do/But fly from earthly cover/My Daya, to you./7—p /As brilliant as the sun/With its rays of gold/As kind as thy name/Buddha hath foretold/As sacred as the mosque/With incense divine/As beautiful as stars/In the heavens shine/As holy as the shrine/Given thou in pride/Pure as the chosen one/Rasul prophesied./8—p /O love human and divine/Thou, inspirer of my soul/Thy tales of love unite me/With the object of my goal./9—p /And whenever is reached the eternal goal/Closed are the lips from explaining/The pure upliftment of the heart and soul/Merged into love all pervading./10—p /O Bowl of Saki, blest thou art/A treasure from the divine/Each day thou bringest to my heart/A token of love’s pure wine./
American Queen is scheduled to be released this year by All Things That Matter Press.
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