Monday, May 13, 2019
Israel Palestine
Palestine name first referred by ancient Greeks is an area in the Middle East between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea./ It was absorbed by the Ottoman Empire Year 1517 until the World War. /At the end of the war Turks were defeated by the British forces who began ruling the homeland of the Palestinians from 1920 to 1948, the land called Palestine./ Since Palestinians helped the British to defeat the Turks, a League of Nations Mandate was drawn out under McMahan Agreement that British would return their homeland to the rightful owners, Palestinians. /Though British latter denied that they ever made such a promise under any Agreement. /By British the same area of land was also promised to the Jews as the Jews claimed under the Belfour Declaration./ In Year 1920 many Jews migrated to that area and lived in the much populated area of the Arabs, both Jews and Arabs living together in friendly relationships. /In Year 1929 the relations between the Jews and the Arabs soured due to the focal point of discontent concerning Jerusalem which resulted in violence. /Yet, many more Jews kept migrating to Palestine between years 1931 to 1940. /Due to the rise of violence and increasing number of Jews in Palestine outnumbering Palestinians, British put a quota on number of Jews who could enter Palestine in any one year. /During the WW11, many Jews fought for allies against Nazi Germany and gained much military prowess. /When the war ended in Year 1945 they used their skills in acts of terrorism. /In the aftermath of Holocaust, the British gave Jews the hope that they would be given more rights in Palestine. /Of course at the expense of the Arabs in Palestine, the British knew beforehand./ As the terror acts of the Jews increased, destroying even the British Military Headquarters in Palestine the British decided they would eventually leave. /In Year 1947 United Nations accepted that idea-promise of the British to partition Palestine into Israel for Jews and Palestine for Arabs. /May 14, 1948 the British withdrew from the Palestine and the Palestinians began their own counter-terror attacks lasting from May 1948 to January 1949, not recognizing Israel as part of the Palestine. /To Palestinian Arabs the area the Jews call Israel, will always be Palestine. /To Jews it is Israel./ Thus began the conflict when the British policy of Divide and Rule ended in departure from Palestine, and it continues to this day. /Much like the partition of India and Pakistan 1947 as described in the book, Holocaust of the East. /The same Divide and Rule policy, leaving behind a thorn of Kashmir which belongs only to Kashmiris, neither to India, nor to Pakistan./
PS: History has been written and rewritten many times over in several books by different authors./ Facts contradicted by facts, discrepancies passed as factual./ As for the claim ‘Palestinians siding with Nazi Germany during WW11’ many scholars write otherwise and challenge this claim./ Arguing that Fascism was discussed by the Arabs alongside other political ideologies. /And the Arab Palestinians themselves were deprecated by Hitler as racially inferior to Germans. /However, the radical Jewish groups employed terrorism against the British forces in Palestine, accusing them of betraying their Zionist cause. /At the end of WW11 1945 United States took up Zionist Cause.
A quote from Marcus Aurelius:/
‘To look for the impossible is folly and it is impossible that bad men should not do bad deeds./ It is a shame to let ignorance and complacency be stronger than wisdom’
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