Taking the liberty of sharing this Vigil information my Murshida sent me from Pakistan. Kindly granting me the permission to post it on my blog. If anyone wishes to participate in this vigil, Please register and subscribe by writing to Murshida at the email address below, so that she can send you the zoom link to participate.
" My precious students on the path of Love, Harmony and Beauty,
It is with great pride that I address you for each one of you is a potential birther of the New Humanity rising from the ashes of the limited Man. There opens up a Light in the darkness of human suffering. The Star of Bethlehem brings the bashara (good tidings) of the coming of Christ in the time of the Noella (the Lord's birthday). Many many years ago there was the birth of who we know as Jesus of Bethlehem. Today there is the birth of the Messianic Spirit in the heart of humanity. We bring through ourselves the second coming of Christ. We are the midwives of the baby Jesus during the Noella. But this baby Jesus is born in the manger of our own hearts. We cannot be neglectful during this time if we are the consciously evolving humanity. The birth is imminent and the Hour of His arrival is near. To be the manifesters of this messianic birth We must become the the true deliverers of higher consciousness. When a Divine Scheme is set to actualization, it is coupled with a strategic operation. The Divine Scheme for this time is the birthing of Messianic Consciousness and the modus operandi for it is the opening of truth discernment in the willing human towards a renewal of self. A truth-discerning consciousness becomes a birthing ground for Divine mercy which is the gateway to the Messianic appearance. In the days of the Noella we have a major responsibility to be ready for this imminent birth. To enter the process we must come together for the three days of the 23rd, 24th and 25th of December. We shall hold two night vigils on the 23rd and 24th preceding Christmas on the 25th when we will manifest the gift of our devotional eulogy in the form of a Holy Mass. The name Mass denotes a coming together with God and receiving His Graces. The word comes from the final blessing given by the priest in Latin "Ite Missa Est", Go, it is the sending, referring to Jesus sending out his disciples.
Inayatiyya South Asia will hold a night vigil on the 23rd and 24th Dec evening from 8-9:30 pm Pak time and a Sufi Holy Mass on the 25th Dec from 5-7 pm Pak time.
These three days are a paid event. If you would like to join kindly send your subscription fee of PKR 3000 to the account: (3,000 Rupees in Pakistan currency is approximately equivalent to US $10.65)
Title of Account: Naila Hayat Noon
IBAN: PK89 ASCM 0001 2016 5050 3252
Bank Name: Askari Bank Limited
Branch: Askari Corporate Tower 75/76-D-1-M
With Blessings,
Praying for permanent peace, for release of all Israeli hostages and Palestinian prisoners. Peace to Ukraine, Darfur, to the whole World.
Happy Holidays