Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Radicalization of America


Radicalization of America began with the inception of idiocy of a presidency, four chaotic years of confusion, buffoonery, clowning around with conspiracy theories. Putin’s interference in 2016 US elections made America a reeking cauldron of intrigue. Polished by the power of white privilege, fascism, autocracy. Felons, traitors, criminals were given high ranking jobs in the White House, who were not qualified to perform their duties, quite a few ending up in being fired but then replaced with equally unqualified, unpatriotic thugs and conservatives. Power and prestige of America was weakened by tarnishing the reputation of FBI, CIA by newly elected president, presenting Putin as truthful and trustworthy. Press was maligned as fake news, the idea of witch hunts was tossed around to conceal facts, climate change was treated as a hoax. Courts were packed with corrupt, conservative judges who could stay loyal to the White House. Violence against blacks was a new normal, racial injustice rendered as birthright of white supremacists. White House was on sabbatical, it was obvious, dereliction of duty their agenda, and hiatus from passing any bills which could benefit Americans. A whirlwind of confusion of Much ado about Nothing for almost four years and then came global pandemic to embellish the disastrous years of trade wars, COVID wars with China, and warring rhetoric of hate and insults against fellow Americans. Another hoax which became a vast tragedy was treating COVID as a hoax, anti-mask hooligans infecting law abiding Americans who wanted to protect themselves and others by wearing masks. Thousands of Americans died of virus infections whose lives could have been saved if hoax element was missing from the surge of pandemic. When vaccines were available, anti-vaxxers began their crusade against vaccines, defying guidelines of CDC, deeming vaccines dangerous, promoting quack medicines, including animal drugs and most foolishly even suggesting to ingest bleach. Apex of absurdity reached higher when Liar-in-Chief lost 2020 elections against President Joe Biden, unleashing a tsunami of falsehood that election was stolen. Ballots were counted again, recounted several times in Red States, Ninja nerds finally declaring there was no election fraud, millions of taxpayers’ money was wasted on wild whims of Liar-in-Chief. Even US courts declared there was no election fraud whatsoever, but lies of Big Lie Loser were swollen to the size of a giant helium balloon lowering confetti of misinformation “Stop the Steal.” This slogan was picked up by the QAnon cult of KKK, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, white supremacists, armed with anger and sedition to steal election from the rightfully elected President Joe Biden. Day of Judgment arrived nigh on Jan 6 when Traitor-in-Chief incited his domestic terrorists on the steps of Ellipses to go and storm the Capitol Hill. As instructed by the Insurrection-in-Chief the lawless, radicalized hooligans attacked Capitol Hill, scaling walls, smashing windows, defiling the sanctuary of American Pride, waving Nazi and Confederate flags. One police officer was tortured and killed, hundreds injured, some lost their eyesight, two of the police officers committed suicide after the pandemonium ended. If that was the end of violent insurrection in the history of America, it was also the beginning of radicalization of America. Bigoted, unpatriotic, lawless lawmakers devoted to Insurrection-in-Chief had begun their own crusade of lies and conspiracy theories. Aftermath of which resulted in brutal laws enacted by GOPQ by suppressing voter rights, women rights.

Ravages of which now Americans suffer as overturning of Roe v Wade by corrupt, conservative, radicalized courts. Felons, traitors, criminals, sex traffickers are being elected to high posts in white privileged cult of thugs and extremists. Anger, insults, gun violence is new normal. Another new normal is stupidity of lawless lawmakers still defending Traitor-in-Chief for illegally stealing classified documents from White House and dumping them into the basement of his beloved Mar-a-Lago resort, refusing to return those to archives where they can stay secure lawfully. Finally, FBI retrieved those from Mar-a-Lago with search warrants from the court orders, much to the ire and chagrin of lawless thugs of Big Lie Loser, QAnon Greene amongst them demanding, “Defund the FBI”

It took four years for Trump to destroy America what it had taken generations to build. Trump had ravaged America with lies, chaos, insults and conspiracy theories. White House was caught in the vortex of vainglory. Republicans were enabling Trump to grovel in the mire of voter fraud and incite his domestic, gun-wielding extremists to raging, damaging, traumatizing rallies. The time which should have been spent in the service of Americans and containment of COVID was being wasted in strife and contention and baseless ReTrumplican lawsuits, claiming that election was rigged.

To end this with a note of hope, Biden Administration is mending the broken America despite radicalized cult of GOPQ. Reduction Inflation Act is passed despite zero support from Republicans. Students are relieved from much of their burden of student loans. American Dream is unfolding on the road to peace, progress, prosperity. Lies can’t survive for long. Patriotic, intelligent, loving Americans will not let radicalization survive and flourish.

Final Note—Quotations from Benjamin Franklin:

“If you would reap praise, you must sow the seeds, gentle words and useful deeds. Mankind are very old creatures. One half censure what they practice, the other half practice what they censure, the rest always say and do what they aught. Duty is not beneficial because it is commanded, but is commanded because it is beneficial. Where there is hunger, law is not regarded and where law is not regarded, there will be hunger.”

May America be protected by countless blessings of unity, health, harmony. Wishing peace to the world, especially in Ukraine against the brutal war of aggression by Putin. Peace is Possible, we need to believe and practice on personal and global level of understanding.