Thursday, September 22, 2022

Iran's Immoral Police Killed Masha Amina


Bigotry is a big, evil wound on the brow of Islam carved by the zealots since centuries of lies and distortions of Quranic verses to oppress and tyrannize women. Manmade laws invented by extremists who have imprisoned women in hijabs, burqas, abayas and have been torturing them in the name of Islam and now turning shamelessly violent against girls in Century 21 is vile, tragic, horrifying. Hijab has nothing to do with Islam, if Muslim men and women just open their eyes to study Quran and try to understand true precepts of Islam by sloughing off the veils of hypocrisy, ignorance, intolerance. Lies have been told by so many, so often, with such persistence that even now if someone tried to tell truth, it would sound like a lie. It is disgraceful that Muslim leaders all over the world, time and time again, have failed to condemn violence against women. Yet again, women themselves deceived by hateful clerics staunchly believe that hijab is Islamic. Maybe this brutal murder of young Masha Amina will jolt them to awareness how insufferably oppressed they have been since centuries, mistaking pagan customs as Islamic injunctions. It’s time they stand up against mindless control of so-called Muslim men and join their Iranian sisters in burning hijabs, to redeem the dignity of womanhood in Islam.

Prophet Muhammad made women integral to his plan for Muslim education and learning when he proclaimed: Acquisition of knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim, male and female.

Fact is, Prophet Muhammad was a modern-day activist in that age and time, liberating women from the shackles of injustice and inequality.

Prophet Muhammad’s Sayings:

What a Muslim must never do is to raise his hand against women. Treat each woman with respect and kindness.

The greatest crimes are: to tell lies, to assault women, to murder your own species, to commit suicide.

God enjoins you to treat women well, for they are your aunts, wives, mothers and daughters.

The rights of women are sacred, see that women are maintained in the rights assigned to them.

The most perfect man of religion who excels in character is the one who gives best treatment to his womenfolk.

Only a man of noble character can honor women and only a man of base intention will dishonor women.

Paradise lies under the feet of mother.

You are all the children of Adam and Adam was created from dust.

God hath treasuries beneath the Throne, the keys whereof are the tongues of poets, he who knows his own self knows God.

Omar used to say to the Prophet, let your wives be veiled, but Allah’s Messenger did not do so. Al Bukhari [1:148-O.B]

 Ibn Umar reported: He heard the Messenger of Allah forbidding women in a state of ihram wearing gloves and veil and garments dyed with wars and saying that they might wear besides this what they liked of garments colored with safflower or made of silk or wool, or ornaments or trousers or shirt. Al-Bukhari (AD 11:29)

During the lifetime of Prophet, men and women used to perform ablution together. Al Bukhari [1:45-O.B]

 Hijab and veiling, is not Islamic, though many believe it to be so, including Muslim men and Muslim women who question not the veracity of such customs imposed by the so-called men of learning since centuries. Such customs have become solid beliefs, repeated so often by so many with such passion and persistency that lies have assumed the aura of truth. Yet it is possible to shatter this false aura of truth by chiseling away layers upon layers of lies where the purity of expression still breathes love and radiance within the pages of the Quran and the Hadith. There is not a single verse in the Quran with any injunction of veil or hijab. Below are verses from the Quran prone to misinterpretation by the arbiters of Islam, though a couple of those cited here neglected by Muslims are for men to be modest.

 Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and be modest. This is purer for them. Lo! Allah is aware of what they do. (Quran 24:30)

 And men who guard their modesty and women who guard their modesty, and men who remember Allah and women who remember—Allah hath prepared for them forgiveness and a vast reward. (Quran 33:35)

 And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest, and to display their adornments only that which is apparent, and to draw their scarves over their bosoms. (Quran 24:31)

 This verse above was revealed in response to pagan women going around Kaaba, wearing low-neck dresses with their bosoms revealed.

O ye who believe! Enter not the dwellings of the Prophet for a meal without waiting for the proper time, unless permission is granted you. But if you are invited, enter, and when your meal is ended, then disperse. Lingering not for conversation. Lo, that would cause annoyance to the Prophet and he would be shy of asking you to go, but Allah is not shy of the truth. And when ye ask of the wives of the Prophet anything, ask it from them from behind a curtain. (Quran 33:53)

 This verse above was revealed after the Prophet’s marriage with Zainab. The wedding guests lingered over the feast and didn’t leave until it was very late in the night.

 The wearing of a veil was pre-Islamic custom observed by the women of the Sasanian society. The segregation of the sexes was also pre-Islamic, practiced in the regions of the Middle East and the Mediterranean. No evidence of veiling is in the Quran or Sunnah. During the lifetime of the Prophet, Muslim women participated in the public life and didn’t wear hijab. The pagan women, as well as women from the Judeo-Christian background, wore veil and hijab as a mark of wealth, status and distinction. To instill the virtue of equality amongst Muslims the Prophet Muhammad forbade the Muslim women to wear veils. The pearls of Hadith below attest to this fact. (Abu Dawud 11:29)

 The veil was worn in Arabia as a mark of rank: and it was therefore disallowed, as pilgrimage required obliteration of all differences of rank. Forbidding a veil in a pilgrimage is a further conclusive proof that Holy Quran did not enjoin the wearing of veil, as in that case the prohibition here stated would be a contradiction of the Holy Quran. Gloves are not allowed because like the veil they are a mark of rank. Ornaments are allowed because they are not a mark of rank, and are worn by even ordinary people and laboring classes The Messenger of Allah forbade women pilgrims from wearing gloves, veils, and clothes dyed with saffron or wars (a sweet-smelling plant that was used to dye clothes yellow). Besides these, they may wear anything else, any color, silk clothes, ornaments, trousers or shirt or shoes (Abu Dawud, Al Baihaqi and Al-Hakim).

 Bukhari reported that Aisha put on a garment that was dyed with usfur while she was in a state of ihram and she said, “A woman must neither wear a veil to cover her face, nor clothes dyed with saffron or other fragrant dying material.” Aisha is of the opinion that there is no harm for women pilgrims in wearing ornaments, black or rose-colored clothes and shoes.

 Bukhari and Ahmad reported, “A pilgrim woman must neither cover her face, nor wear gloves.”

A later verse just for the protection of the ladies of the Prophet’s household is subject to misinterpretation.

 O Prophet, tell thy wives to draw their cloaks round them when they go abroad. That will be better so that they may be recognized and not annoyed. Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful. (Quran 33:59)

 Even after this revelation, the women-companions of the Prophet did not wear hijab as they knew that the Quranic directive was addressed only to the Prophet’s wives. The Muslim women’s participation in the life of the community during this time was dignified and social encounters took place at the initiative of the men and women, when the occasion arose. Mohammad Hashim Kamali

Women shall have the same rights over men as men have over them. (Quran 2:228)

And whoso doeth good works, whether male or female and he or she is a believer, such will enter Paradise and they will not be wronged the dint in a date-stone. (Quran 4:124)

“We entreat God to deliver the light of equity and the sun of justice from the thick clouds of waywardness, and cause them to shine forth upon men.”  Baha’ ‘ulla’h

“The outward Kaaba Ibrahim built. The inward Kaaba was as Lord Almighty willed.”  Abdullah al-Ansari

“Harm shall never be inflicted nor reciprocated in Islam.” Hadith

Mockery of Islam begins with bigots, spreads with extremists, multiplies with terrorists.

May we all strive toward intellect, knowledge, understanding.

May there be peace in the world, especially in Ukraine against brutal war of aggression by Putin. 

Amin, Amin, Amin

Monday, September 5, 2022

Radicalization Part Two America MAGA Torches and Pitchforks



Demure Diary is my refuge to dwell on thoughts which witness radicalization of America with hopeless, helpless pain of realization that this great nation with majority of patriotic, intelligent, loving Americans is falling prey to handful of MAGA hooligans fed by grand lies from Big Lie Loser. Q generation of lawless, MAGA mavericks with idolatrous faith in their insurrection-in-chief, disillusioned by his lies and conspiracy theories are threatening peace and prosperity of America. To add fire to the flames of unrest, Fox frenzy of distortions of facts is choking the spirit of democracy, condoning the killing of voter rights and women rights.

RNC chair Ronna McDaniel says. “Joe Biden is divider-in-chief and epitomizes the current state of the Democratic party. One of divisiveness and disgust towards half the country.” Fact is, epitome of Democratic Party is that they have restored America’s pride, power, prestige before the whole world from past presidency of bruised and broken America. COVID is contained, economy is great, jobs are plenty, Democrats are passing Big Bills to make America clean, safe, whole and healthy, body and soul. The “disgust” that Americans felt over thousands of COVID deaths under dark clouds of hoaxes, fake news, is left behind. “Divider-in-Chief” of four chaotic years who stoked violence, praised domestic terrorists, pardoned felons and traitors is of the same mindset now, holding hostage his MAGA cult with threats of more violence to all Americans, calling FBI “vicious monsters”. Finally, ‘half the country’ doesn’t represent angry, dysfunctional Americans but tiny bit of innocent Americans exploited by liars and extremists


Yes, torches and pitchforks. Tim Michaels, a candidate in Wisconsin endorsed by traitor-in-chief blatantly kindles the flames of violence. “I believe people should just, just be ready to get out on the streets with pitchforks and torches with how low the liberal media has become. People need to decide am I going to put up with this? Am I going to tolerate this, taking somebody that gives money to churches or cancer research and use that as a hit piece in the media. I am appalled, it’s disgusting.” Yes, gentle, peace-loving Americans, here’s one example of your would-be lawless, radicalized governors, groveling in mires of savagery ‘how low’ with torches and pitchforks against their fellow Americans. He is right, “am I going to put up with this?” that is with butchering voter rights and women rights. “Am I going to tolerate this?” worth noting, bigotry and hypocrisy of past president with his photo-op holding Bible in front of a church while peaceful protesters were being beaten, tear-gassed, hauled away in unmarked vehicles by his paramilitary buffoons. “Appalled?” for sure, decent, patriotic, law-abiding Americans are appalled after witnessing the robbery of classified documents from White House, then the robber demanding those back, whining, “they are mine.” “Disgusting” this word doesn’t justify the bigotry, corruption, lawlessness of lawmakers who still defend the traitor, still threatening violence. Michael McCaul is one more example of GOPQ Rep, arguing that Trump had taken classified document to Mar-a-Lago while he was president? That different set of rules apply to Trump for declassifying documents? Perhaps, a wealthy, privileged child of white supremacy with fascist ideology can’t be held accountable, is that true in American justice of double standards? Radicalized judge Aileen Cannon appointed by Trump grants Trump special master to review classified documents which he stole from White House to be stored at Mara-a-Lago, is that justice America?


Addressing fascism, extremism, terrorism is the only way to save America from becoming another Russia or Afghanistan where citizens are bullied and subjugated, books are banned, women rights are usurped. Guns and violence are paraded as law and order.

It’s essential to learn and realize that life begins with a journey which ends in death. After us, future generations would also take the same journey, so the task before us should be to make this world a harmonious place and leave it in a better condition than ever before for our children and grandchildren. Hate, avarice, animosity, all will end with our last breath, for evil is doomed to die even when living, what survives is good works, benefiting all now and later, that’s the law of nature we human beings are slow to learn, or refuse to learn at all as history stays witness.

In order to have a better world we must learn to think of the globe as a whole. Our world leaders need to be more selfless and sacrificing. Only by having a universal and spiritual vision can we bring positive change into the political field. Someone interested in making positive changes will never resort to violence to effect political reform. The approach has to be nonviolent. Anything achieved through violence will not last long; it will leave an enemy sitting somewhere plotting against you. If instead, you make a friend, you need not be afraid of the other person; and he or she need not be afraid of you. Permanent peace can never be achieved by violent means.


In war there is no winner. Who creates war? The bombs don’t drop by themselves. It is the people behind them, the human minds that create war. All the wars are in the human mind. A little peace can change the mind, and it doesn’t take that much time.  By devoting, few minutes a day to meditation—to peace prayers—you can send out nice vibrations that will go around the globe and influence political leaders.


Remember, there is no power higher than love. Hatred breeds hatred; violence breeds violence. If we sincerely want world peace, we have to depend on our soul force, not on anything else. When our efforts fail, when we have nothing else, then we think of a Higher Power and turn to that force. And that is what soul force is; that is what prayer is all about. Mahatma Gandhi was a great example of this principle. He demonstrated that, by being a peaceful activist and trusting in soul power, one could liberate an entire country. That is how India gained her independence. Mahatma Gandhi, U Thant, Martin Luther King, Eleanor Roosevelt, and others were great humanitarians in public life. We need more people like these to lead and inspire.” Sri Swami Satchidananda


“If you desire the self, get out of the self

 Leave the shallow stream behind

 And flow into the river deep and wide

 Don’t be an ox pulling the wheel of the plow

 Turn with the stars that wheel above you”  Rumi


Wishing peace in America and in the whole wide world



Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Radicalization of America


Radicalization of America began with the inception of idiocy of a presidency, four chaotic years of confusion, buffoonery, clowning around with conspiracy theories. Putin’s interference in 2016 US elections made America a reeking cauldron of intrigue. Polished by the power of white privilege, fascism, autocracy. Felons, traitors, criminals were given high ranking jobs in the White House, who were not qualified to perform their duties, quite a few ending up in being fired but then replaced with equally unqualified, unpatriotic thugs and conservatives. Power and prestige of America was weakened by tarnishing the reputation of FBI, CIA by newly elected president, presenting Putin as truthful and trustworthy. Press was maligned as fake news, the idea of witch hunts was tossed around to conceal facts, climate change was treated as a hoax. Courts were packed with corrupt, conservative judges who could stay loyal to the White House. Violence against blacks was a new normal, racial injustice rendered as birthright of white supremacists. White House was on sabbatical, it was obvious, dereliction of duty their agenda, and hiatus from passing any bills which could benefit Americans. A whirlwind of confusion of Much ado about Nothing for almost four years and then came global pandemic to embellish the disastrous years of trade wars, COVID wars with China, and warring rhetoric of hate and insults against fellow Americans. Another hoax which became a vast tragedy was treating COVID as a hoax, anti-mask hooligans infecting law abiding Americans who wanted to protect themselves and others by wearing masks. Thousands of Americans died of virus infections whose lives could have been saved if hoax element was missing from the surge of pandemic. When vaccines were available, anti-vaxxers began their crusade against vaccines, defying guidelines of CDC, deeming vaccines dangerous, promoting quack medicines, including animal drugs and most foolishly even suggesting to ingest bleach. Apex of absurdity reached higher when Liar-in-Chief lost 2020 elections against President Joe Biden, unleashing a tsunami of falsehood that election was stolen. Ballots were counted again, recounted several times in Red States, Ninja nerds finally declaring there was no election fraud, millions of taxpayers’ money was wasted on wild whims of Liar-in-Chief. Even US courts declared there was no election fraud whatsoever, but lies of Big Lie Loser were swollen to the size of a giant helium balloon lowering confetti of misinformation “Stop the Steal.” This slogan was picked up by the QAnon cult of KKK, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, white supremacists, armed with anger and sedition to steal election from the rightfully elected President Joe Biden. Day of Judgment arrived nigh on Jan 6 when Traitor-in-Chief incited his domestic terrorists on the steps of Ellipses to go and storm the Capitol Hill. As instructed by the Insurrection-in-Chief the lawless, radicalized hooligans attacked Capitol Hill, scaling walls, smashing windows, defiling the sanctuary of American Pride, waving Nazi and Confederate flags. One police officer was tortured and killed, hundreds injured, some lost their eyesight, two of the police officers committed suicide after the pandemonium ended. If that was the end of violent insurrection in the history of America, it was also the beginning of radicalization of America. Bigoted, unpatriotic, lawless lawmakers devoted to Insurrection-in-Chief had begun their own crusade of lies and conspiracy theories. Aftermath of which resulted in brutal laws enacted by GOPQ by suppressing voter rights, women rights.

Ravages of which now Americans suffer as overturning of Roe v Wade by corrupt, conservative, radicalized courts. Felons, traitors, criminals, sex traffickers are being elected to high posts in white privileged cult of thugs and extremists. Anger, insults, gun violence is new normal. Another new normal is stupidity of lawless lawmakers still defending Traitor-in-Chief for illegally stealing classified documents from White House and dumping them into the basement of his beloved Mar-a-Lago resort, refusing to return those to archives where they can stay secure lawfully. Finally, FBI retrieved those from Mar-a-Lago with search warrants from the court orders, much to the ire and chagrin of lawless thugs of Big Lie Loser, QAnon Greene amongst them demanding, “Defund the FBI”

It took four years for Trump to destroy America what it had taken generations to build. Trump had ravaged America with lies, chaos, insults and conspiracy theories. White House was caught in the vortex of vainglory. Republicans were enabling Trump to grovel in the mire of voter fraud and incite his domestic, gun-wielding extremists to raging, damaging, traumatizing rallies. The time which should have been spent in the service of Americans and containment of COVID was being wasted in strife and contention and baseless ReTrumplican lawsuits, claiming that election was rigged.

To end this with a note of hope, Biden Administration is mending the broken America despite radicalized cult of GOPQ. Reduction Inflation Act is passed despite zero support from Republicans. Students are relieved from much of their burden of student loans. American Dream is unfolding on the road to peace, progress, prosperity. Lies can’t survive for long. Patriotic, intelligent, loving Americans will not let radicalization survive and flourish.

Final Note—Quotations from Benjamin Franklin:

“If you would reap praise, you must sow the seeds, gentle words and useful deeds. Mankind are very old creatures. One half censure what they practice, the other half practice what they censure, the rest always say and do what they aught. Duty is not beneficial because it is commanded, but is commanded because it is beneficial. Where there is hunger, law is not regarded and where law is not regarded, there will be hunger.”

May America be protected by countless blessings of unity, health, harmony. Wishing peace to the world, especially in Ukraine against the brutal war of aggression by Putin. Peace is Possible, we need to believe and practice on personal and global level of understanding.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Taj Mahal Resurrected

All Things That Matter Press with its spirit of spirituality, mind of intellect, heart of generosity and soul of serendipity are to host Taj Mahal in print and in cyberspace globally./Taj Mahal depicts the historical, biographical account of Shah Jahan’s life as the fifth Moghul emperor of India. / He is the architect of Taj Mahal, creating this monument of love in the likeness of Throne of God. Or—as believed by many, the replica of the Garden of Irem, the mythical garden of Muslim Paradise. / Shah Jahan’s love for his empress, Mumtaz Mahal, unfolds in this book at the inception of his coronation. / Three years after this joyful occasion, Mumtaz Mahal as his beloved Taj dies after giving birth to her fourteenth child, Princess Gauhara./ One week after this tragedy, Shah Jahan emerges from his chamber of grief and seclusion as a statue of ice, his hair all turned gray and his eyes lit by the fires of loss and agony./Against the burden of torments supreme within his heart and soul, the emperor begins chiseling his grief in the shape of flower wounds on the pure marble of Taj Mahal with the hope of being near his beloved unforgotten and unforgettable. /For the next twenty years of his reign are devoted to breathing life to the loss of his love in this wonder of sublime beauty dear to his heart as his beloved Taj. / The emperor is also the patron of the Sufis and the saints since his most beloved of sons and daughters, Prince Dara Shikoh and Princess Jahanara indulge in literary and spiritual pursuits of love, unity and harmony. / Shah Jahan’s other children with frivolous tastes are almost obscured against the zeal and ambition of Prince Aurangzeb who consumes all with the steel of his hatred and wickedness. / The last seven years of the emperor’s life are more tragic than the tragedy of his loss irretrievable—his beloved Taj. / Aurangzeb dethrones Shah Jahan, murders all his brothers, including the saints and Sufis most endeared by Prince Dara Shikoh—the Crown Prince. / Shah Jahan is imprisoned inside his own palace of Red Fort at Agra, all his jewels including the famous Peacock Throne—also designed by Shah Jahan, usurped by Prince Aurangzeb. / From the Shah Burj balcony of his palace, the emperor breathes his last, while gazing at Taj Mahal, Princess Jahanara his loving and faithful companion. / Excerpt One/ Shah Jahan's heart was gathering tears of blood, which could flower into fresh wounds in the likeness of jewel-flowers on his beloved Taj. / No need for fresh wounds, they were already there, bleeding now, willing their sorrow never to die, and longing for the purity of love from his lost beloved. / White peace was torn out of his soul, and given to the world with the edict of love, unity, sanctity. / He was kneeling at the altar of his beloved white and silent. / Not even knowing that his hands were clutching the shroud strewn with pearls, his lips lowering a banner of truce inside the bouquet of kisses./ "Death itself not deadly be/ As to soulless life compare/ Sightless my eyes shudder to see/ If marble tombs to blind seem fair."/ Excerpt Two/ Aurangzeb, protected by his royal guards and attended by his grandees, looked pale and distraught./ He wanted to make sure that the evil tongue of Sarmad was silenced forever, his words dead along with his body not ever to haunt him, before he could return to the comforts of his palace./ The sky had turned pewter, as Sarmad was hauled to the white platform, the guards behind him standing ramrod like the mighty pillars of stone and granite. /All laments of grief and despair from the lips of the well-wishers were silenced, replaced with awe and bewilderment. / Aurangzeb had chosen his own guillotine of vengeance under the shade of domes, the large amethyst in his turban with the glint of a jeweled sword, brandishing its own pride and hatred. / If no one had seen Judgment Day before, this was it! / The river of silence so insufferably profound that even a whisper in the wind could be heard on the other side of the continents far and wide./ An abrupt clap of thunder was gathering clouds, all young and tearful. / Thunder and lightning were making the guards shudder inwardly, floating toward the platform in daze and silence. /The naked sword was still poised before Abhu Chand, and his eyes were shooting bolts of lightning. / Sarmad’s lips and heart, both were bruised and bleeding. / But before he could lay them at the feet of his beloved God, his thoughts were uttering one last cry of joy and pain. "I recognize Thee my Friend/ Thou hast come/ In the form of a naked sword/ To embrace me."/ Sarmad lowered his head on the block most humbly and fearlessly. / His whole body was quivering with joy and anticipation of the unknown. /Since the blow didn't descend, another couplet escaped his ecstatic lips./ "Love's path was blocked by this naked body a bit/ But now the sword has cut my head from it."/ This was Sarmad's command to awaken Abhu Chand out of his own swoon and ecstasy./ Abhu Chand was quick to heed the command of his Lover, striking one violent blow, swift and unerring./ Sarmad's head was bounced off the block, falling at the feet of Abhu Chand./ The Moghul Empire crumbled after the tyranny of Aurangzeb when he became the sixth Moghul Emperor of India, The Moghul Saint of Insanity./This is one more history lesson to add to Putin’s fascism with grand ambition of subjugation./ Slaughtering Ukrainians as Aurangzeb slaughtered Hindus and Sikhs and his end was more tragic than the shattering of the entire Moghul Empire./ Wishing peace between Ukraine and Russia./ Wishing peace in Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan./ World has plenty of food and may famines in Yemen and Afghanistan be quelled./ May Taliban relinquish their guns of bigotry, brutality, hypocrisy, grant women their Islamic rights of education, freedom, and all brave, loving Afghanis the freedom to enjoy their talents of sports, drama, music, literature./ With profound prayers for health, harmony, wisdom for entire world./ “Tell whoso hath sorrow/Grief shall never last/Even as joy has no morrow/So woe shall go past”/ Arabian Nights